Home Services Cryobank



Stem cell cryobanking is a service for collecting, testing, preserving and storing stem cells from the cord blood, placenta and umbilical cord tissue. The reason for preserving this biomaterial is the presence of stem cells.
Stem cells are able to divide and transform into any cell of the body, which makes it possible to use them for medical purposes. Thus, thanks to them, more than 40,000 patients around the world have already undergone treatment for various types of diseases.

What does our clinic offer

5 steps toward family health

Appointment for consultation: STEP 1

Preserving your stem cells is a significant decision that secures your family’s future health. To initiate the process of preserving cord blood, umbilical cord tissue, and placenta, the first step is to reach out to the Feskov O.M. Clinic. You can contact them via phone at +38 0 800 50 77 90.

Specialist consultation on cryobanking STEP 2

We are waiting for you at the clinic on the agreed date and time. We recommend that you prepare all your questions in advance in order to maximize your exposure to the topic of cryobanking. Purpose of the visit:

  • To form an understanding about stem cells and what role they play in the body of the child and the family as a whole;
  • How the material stored in the cryobank can be used in the future;
  • To familiarize with the advantages and conditions of biomaterial storage in the clinic of Prof. O.M. Feskov.
Contract signing STEP 3

Upon making the decision to preserve the health and longevity of your family, it’s essential to proceed by formalizing a contract with the clinic. Ideally, this should be done between the 28th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. On the designated day, you will receive a thermal container containing all necessary items to bring with you to the delivery room.

The delivery and shipment of the container STEP 4

As you enter the delivery room, remember to bring the thermobox containing the remaining kit items. It’s best to designate your husband or a relative for this task. After ensuring the safety of both mother and baby, the doctor will pack all necessary materials into the thermobox and seal it. Then, the container will be sent to the clinic, preferably with assistance from the medical staff at the maternity hospital.

Rest and regain your strength STEP 5

You’ve completed the process admirably and have now attained maternal status. From here on, entrust the remaining tasks to the cryobank staff, including material acquisition, processing, and cryopreservation. Rest assured, we’ll keep you informed about the final outcome.


Confirmation of our strict compliance with the highest standards of quality and safety in the field of reproductive medicine. It is a guarantee that your health is in good hands.

Лицензия МОЗ Украины
Сертификат ISO 9001: 2015
Патент США
CRYO2024 61-е ежегодное собрание Общества криобиологии


Convenient location of our clinics in Kiev and Kharkov with necessary contact information and working hours. Reproductive Medicine Centers of Professor Feskov, work for you and your health

Kyiv clinicYulia Zdanovska str. 71Е
Work hours
Phone+44 800 069 86 90
Kharkiv clinicKholodnogorska str. 15
Work hours
Phone+44 800 069 86 90

Prices for procedures

Transparency of prices and availability of services is our competitive advantage. You can find out more about each service from our clinic managers

Standard package (cord blood storage) for 3 years or more

VIP package (cord blood, placenta suspension and tissue, umbilical cord fragment)

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Answers to frequently asked questions about stem cells

What is the purpose of testing my cells?

Testing is necessary to obtain quality stem cells. This process makes sure that the cells that will be used in the future are not infected and have the same blood type and Rhesus factor as your child.

Will cord blood collection do any harm to me and my baby?

Collection of cord blood, placenta and umbilical cord tissue is done immediately after delivery and cannot harm you or your baby.

After 18 years, is the biomaterial discarded or can it be stored further?

After the age of 18, i.e. after the child has reached the age of majority, the material is stored further, given to your child or disposed of (if the contract is not renewed). Storage of biological material at low temperatures is available indefinitely.

Does the cost vary with the number of cells?

The cost is independent of the number of cells. The number of cells stored is sufficient for clinical use.

Maybe not enough cells? Is there some kind of minimum-maximum?

There are no minimum and maximum cells as such. There is a minimum and maximum of material collected. If less than 50 ml of cord blood is collected, the amount will be insufficient to obtain the optimal number of stem cells. Also, if the length of the umbilical cord is less than 10 cm.

How long are specimens available for treatment?

Within 24 hours of receipt of your request, signing of the Supplementary Agreement on the withdrawal of the sample or the whole material, formation and dispatch of the transport cryo-container by specialized transport and other formalities. Also, the distance to the clinic or bank should be taken into account. We will deliver your cells to you as soon as possible, but in some cases, delivery of the material takes up to 72 hours.

Where are the samples stored?

Your cell samples are stored in fixed cryopreservation facilities under their own number, in cells under constant monitoring. You can make an inquiry with us and see with your own eyes where and how your cells are stored.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone +44 800 069 86 90 +44 800 069 86 90
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